COURSE: ARCH 562 (Propositions) SUMMER 2022
PROFESSOR: Catie Newell and Mark Meier
PARTNER: Li Jui Hung and Amber Klinger
PARTNER: Li Jui Hung and Amber Klinger
PROGRAMS USED: Rhino, Supermattertools, Cura, Adobe AfterEffect
Through this project we learned how to print with extruded clay on the Kuka. Working in groups of three we learned to design with consideration of layer height, extrusion rate (which impacts layer thickness), overhang limitation,s and rate of rotation.
Through this project we learned how to print with extruded clay on the Kuka. Working in groups of three we learned to design with consideration of layer height, extrusion rate (which impacts layer thickness), overhang limitation,s and rate of rotation.