COURSE: ARCH 509 (LIGHTWEIGHT RENDER PRIMITIVE HUT MMORPG: Virtual Embodiment and Ecological Collapse) WINTER 2022
PROFESSOR: Leah Wulfman
PROGRAMS USED: Unity, Rhino, Blender, Polycam (photogrammetry), Mixamo, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign
MUSIC USED: You Are My Music by Hi Posi, Girigiri Surf Rider by Halcali, Otskare Summer by Halcali
For our final project we were asked to create a 3D possibly interactive piece with motion that brought together our work from earlier in the semester as well as what we learned from our guest speakers and field trips to locations such as Smart City in Grand Rapids, MI. Although we were not required to create a game, many of us did so using our curated collection of trash from our own bins in reality to those on our computers.
For our final project we were asked to create a 3D possibly interactive piece with motion that brought together our work from earlier in the semester as well as what we learned from our guest speakers and field trips to locations such as Smart City in Grand Rapids, MI. Although we were not required to create a game, many of us did so using our curated collection of trash from our own bins in reality to those on our computers.