COURSE: ARCH 700 (DMT Practicum)
PROFESSOR: Catie Newell & Mark Meier
PROJECT PARTNER: Zach Keller, Vishal Rohira
PROGRAMS/ TOOLS USED: Adobe Illustrator, Rhino, Python, water jet, Adafruit CPB
In terms of division of labor we chose to take an approach I had suggested that left us with almost no waste, easy to assemble, and could be flat packed. The code was based off of a
previous iteration I had made for our group project that Zach then edited. In terms of design I focused on the details of how the sensor, CPB, and battery would be held in place.
previous iteration I had made for our group project that Zach then edited. In terms of design I focused on the details of how the sensor, CPB, and battery would be held in place.